you know what’s super punk?
if you don’t believe me, take a walk down memory lane with THEMES
i’ve been digging through our history and updating this new version of our website in an attempt to make our lives seem more interesting for people who don’t read anymore, which is most of you….in fact if you’ve gotten this far, you deserve a treat of some kind, like an iced cream.
i’ve added loads of photographs and the like.
feel free to take a gander. better still. view it on your smart phones too.
the site is still super rough, and there’s much to be done.
there are still a lot of links that are not running yet, but don’t worry you’ll get the hang of it.
i’m having fun, and i hope you do too.
it is our hope here at THEMES, that this site will be a nice place for you all to come and vacation from your own reality while you’re propping up your desks at work, or surfing the web on your iPhone while riding your bike or driving your car with expired tabs on the free way.
don’t for get your helmet and seat belt apps!
with LOVE from Portland.